Summary Plan Description



SPD Quick Read

The SPD must be automatically given to participants, free of charge, when they become covered by the plan.

Who Should Receive an SPD?

When Should the SPD be Furnished?

How Should the SPD be Furnished?

The Department of Labor (DOL) has specifically approved certain delivery methods. These include:

What Should Be Included in the SPD?

The SPD must be written for the average participant and be sufficiently comprehensive to apprise covered persons of their benefits, rights, and obligations under the plan.


The Summary Plan Description (SPD) is one of the most important documents participants are entitled to receive when becoming a participant of an ERISA-covered health benefit plan.  The SPD tells participants what the plan provides and how it operates. It provides information on when an employee can begin to participate in the plan, how service and benefits are calculated, when and in what form benefits are paid, and how to file a claim for benefits. If a plan is changed, participants must be informed, either through a revised summary plan description, or in a separate document, called a Summary of Material Modifications.


The SPD must be written for the average participant and be sufficiently comprehensive to apprise covered persons of their benefits, rights, and obligations under the plan.

Please Note: The plan booklet provided by the insurer or third party administrator (TPA) is not necessarily an ERISA compliant SPD. Employers should verify this with their insurer or TPA, or have the booklet reviewed for compliance by their own legal counsel. Rather than rewrite the plan booklet provided by the insurer or TPA, employers often use a wrap document that supplements the booklet and adds the ERISA information necessary to create an ERISA compliant SPD.

The SPD must accurately reflect the plan’s contents as of the date not earlier than 120 days prior to the date the SPD is disclosed.

The SPD must contain the following information:

Additional Content Required for Group Health Plans:


The SPD must be automatically given to participants, free of charge, when they become covered by the plan. This typically includes:


The SPD must be furnished:

Distribution Methods

The Department of Labor (DOL) has specifically approved certain delivery methods. These include:

See Delivery Methods for a more detailed description of delivery requirements.

Non-English Language

Under certain circumstances, the SPD and SMM must state an offer of assistance in a non-English language.

This assistance must be calculated to provide participants a reasonable opportunity to become informed as to their rights and obligations under the plan.

If applicable, this offer of assistance (written in the non-English language) should appear at the beginning of the SPD or SMM or on its cover.

The obligation for providing this assistance applies to:

Material Modifications

The Summary of Material Modifications (SMM) describes material modifications to a plan and changes in the information required to be in the SPD. 

If the SPD is updated with the material modifications and distributed within this time period, the SMM does not need to be sent out.

Material Reduction

The Summary of Material Reduction in Covered Services or Benefits describes any modification or change that would be considered by the average plan participant to be an important reduction in covered services or benefits.


Failure to Comply with Content or Format Rules

If a SPD is not compliant with the SPD content or format rules, an employer may leave itself liable for:

Failure to Prepare or Supply an SPD

Additional Resources

Click Here for Department of Labor Website