How do I use Compliancedashboard?

Compliancedashboard is a web based tool that gives you the information, tools and resources you need to comply with the Federal laws that govern your health and welfare benefit plans. It raises awareness and understanding of these laws and prompts users when it is time to complete a compliance activity.

Dashboard Calendar

Each user has a dashboard calendar that provides an at-a-glance view of his or her compliance responsibilities. Some compliance activities must completed at a certain time during the year and those are scheduled on the appropriate date. Others, although not date sensitive, provide summaries of compliance requirements that you should be aware of and practicing on the job. These are spread throughout the dashboard calendar so that all activities will be reviewed once each year. Each activity is labelled with an Icon so you know immediately what is required.

Information Aggregator

Compliancedashboard gives you all the information you need about compliance in one easy-to-navigate web site. The federal laws that govern your health and welfare plans are broken down into compliance activities, each with its own web page designed to give you a concise and relevant explanation of how to comply with the law being presented. The compliance activity web page has links to additional tools and resources that you can use for more in-depth research on a compliance topic.

On-Time Messaging

When it is time to perform a compliance activity, Compliancedashboard will send you an email with a link to a compliance activity web page that provides a summary of the law and step-by-step instructions on what you must do to comply with it. This web page will also include a link where you can access an electronic version of any information that must be distributed (if required). There are also many compliance responsibilities that you must know, but are not necessarily date sensitive. Compliancedashboard will send you emails on a periodic basis throughout the year asking you to review these topics.

Automated Tracking and Reminders

Compliancedashboard helps you stay on top of your compliance responsibilities through an automated tracking and reminder system. Most compliance activities require you to respond that you have completed the task required, such as distributing a notice to employees or verifying that you have read and understood the information presented. If you happen to forget, the system will continue to send you reminder emails until you respond. These responses are tracked on the dashboard calendar and compiled into an on-demand report for use by human resources management.

When do I receive emails and how can I view them?

Compliancedashboard will send you an email when it is time to complete a compliance activity. Some of these activities are date sensitive, while others are provided as part of an on-going compliance review and are spread out throughout the year. The date requirement for each activity is explained above the Introduction.

Each type of email is described below.  To update the frequency of these emails, change the Notification Interval under your My Account tab.

Activity Email
The email instructing you that it is time to complete an activity will be sent out on the Notification Date that is found to the right of the activity name on the Benefit Administrator dashboard.  To view a copy of this email, click on the magnifying glass to the right of the date.

Reminder Email
If you do not complete the requirement stated in the Action box on the compliance activity web page, Compliancedashboard will send you a reminder email to let you know this activity still needs to be completed. Reminder emails are sent out about every 10 days, but may be more or less frequent depending on the activity.

Email Alert
Occasionally, there will be a compliance related item that requires a special alert. This will most often occur when a new law is passed or additional regulatory guidance is issued. Although compliance news is regularly posted on the Compliancedashboard blog, an email alert will be sent when it is important that all users be made aware of a new development.

Have additional questions?  Email us or visit our website!