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How do I know where a user stands in completing a compliance activity?

Go to the main dashboard and click on a compliance activity name.  The name of each user assigned to that activity will appear along with his or her status in completing the activity.  See below for a definition of each status symbols used on the dashboard. Please note that if an user has a status of Past Due, the Past Due symbol will appear next to the compliance activity name on your dashboard. The status symbols are intended to give you an at-a-glance view of where you stand in completing these activities.

Completed Snapshot The user has completed the compliance topic by performing the requirement described in the Action box on the compliance activity web page.
In Process Snapshot The Notification Date has passed, but not the Due Date and the user has not completed the compliance activity.
Past Due Snapshot The Due Date has passed and the user has not completed the compliance activity. The user will continue to receive Reminder Emails until the activity is completed.
Pended Snapshot The user has pended the compliance activity by clicking the “Pend” button in the Action box and specifying a new date. This new date will serve as the new Due Date for the activity.
Prior to Start Snapshot The activity date occurred before the user became active on Compliancedashboard. The user will be required to complete these activities during the next plan year cycle.
Upcoming Snapshot The Notification Date for this compliance activity has not been reached. The user will receive an email when it is time to complete the activity unless the notification interval has been changed.